Friday, March 20, 2009

preparing a rental home 03/20/09

what a day! i went to pick up my friend Denise's son Allen and his friend Ben to help paint an entire 1300 sq foot home and as of right now at 8:48 pm.. all we have left is the kitchen, living room touch up and the laundry home hall touch ups. we all worked hard all day and enjoy a subway lunch. Phillip should be coming tomorrow to help along with Olivia.. i may have Melissa baby sit baby boo (Brayden) while we all work to get this home ready to rent..

we are also going to be looking at another home in Tempe that is selling for 54,000.00 if it looks good then we we be buying it and renting it to college students with the lease that follows the BYU guidelines.. i am really excited to look at this.

my reward for hard work is going to a Twilight party tonight with olivia and my friend/boss Donna. bye..

Photo from the Twilight release party:


Cathy Leavitt said...

Yeah...another blog post. I'm very proud of you. Sounds like you had a busy day. I'm glad you're getting help.

Tiffany said...

Awesome!! now is the time to buy for sure!!

Karen and William said...

I can not keep my eyes open for any flash pictures for the life of me!! and i am still hoping to get off 50 lbs for my 50th birthday year!!